Fandom and Pop Culture: A Platform for Change

Popular culture has evolved into a platform for societal change by providing a place to vocalize issues, bring people together, and give them a voice that can be heard. In the past, societal change was primarily brought about by politics and law, where the only images-2people in control were mostly at the top of the social hierarchy. In the modern world,  the  participatory culture of fandom opens doors for people that were once silenced.
This culture now provides an opportunity to speak up and contribute to making the world a better place. Fandom provides more accessible platforms to learn, understand, and participate with forms of popular culture such as social media, television, magazines, music, celebrities, books, and much more. Pop-Culture-620x330

As presented in my first blog, “Humans of NY,” social media has provided a giphy-3.gifconnection between the under-heard individuals of New York to the audience and fans around the world. Through this, controversial topics and direct impacts that have personally affected these individuals can be brought to life through their stories and into discussions for further 9c0analysis. These personal and unique stories can bring people together to connect over mutual experiences or to help inspire people to find ways to overcome societal challenges. Popular culture has provided new tools and techniques for younger generations to connect both socially and politically. By transmitting information about the world in such an accessible manner, more people can finally join to help create change.

Stemming off this,  Abu Sayad in his blog about the show Fresh Off the Boat, claimed that “popular culture gives us the way to represent this hidden issue into society,” referring people feeling the need to change their identity in order to feel as if they can fit in. giphy-4.gifAs a show that highlights the diversity of our country, the challenges of immigrants are brought forward for fans to witness. The name of this show refers to new immigrants, fresh off the boat, who have left their home nation to come and embrace a new nation and its culture. Popular culture has provided a form to express the hidden struggles of immigrants trying to adapt to new cultures and new struggles through bringing to light stereotypes that are developed and the struggle of identity crisis that many people face. As seen in this gif, a small quote from Fresh Off the Boat shows how strong messages and motivation can be transmitted through popular culture.

Image result for melting potAbu Sayad discussed the history of America as a melting pot, and how life experience can be affected and altered by race, gender, ethnicity, social hierarchies, and politics. These factors together can result in inequality faced by an unfortunate amount of Image result for fresh off the boat tv show gifimmigrants. As shows like Fresh Off the Boat can discuss and portray issues like this, information on the causes, affects, and direct impacts of these issues can be transmitted to viewers and fans all over the world. Fans that are not personally affected by issues such as these have an opportunity to learn and grow, to help put a stop to inequality and influence change through being informed. In the wise words of Sayad, popular culture “captures the abstract that diversity is the most important matter in the media and helps us to find the meaning of our true identities.”  By understanding ourselves and our true identities, people can then be more understanding of those around them. This understanding can grow into bringing people together and reduced the negative impacts of a separated society.

Popular culture not only highlights issues addressing diversity, but it also is associated with 171018-crocker-whats-next-after-metoo-hero_lba4gh
helping to shed light on factors such as sexual assault and mental health illnesses. The #MeToo movement discussed in my second blog has brought people together to support one another in hard times and bring strength to society. This strength that give people the ability to create a voice to end a silenced topic that was once only whispered about. This images-3concept further roles over into The Black Sheep Project, discussed in my third blog, as social media provides a platform to advocate for Borderline Disorder, a stigmatized mental illness. With their mission statement of “Together, we’ve got this,” it is clearly 12011120_767422546719015_1103357492578514774_n-495x400
exemplified that by creating this online movement and community, people can feel more supported on their journey of understanding and overcoming this disease.

Nivetha Muruganantham also addressed how popular culture can facilitate change of the stigma related to mental health disorders use g the example of the show 13 Reasons Why. One of the largest key factors that applies to all the subjects mentioned above is the ability for these popular culture platforms to not shy away from difficult 570c93dd300c3dd25a8500212ceffe1f.giftopics. Stigma, marks of disgrace associated with certain circumstances, is a social deficit that many face when it comes to speaking out against sexual assault or mental illness. By providing this accessible and understandable form of media that addresses these stigmastopslogocircumstances, people who do not personally relate to these issues can learn more about to facilitate them making more appropriate and caring judgments. Fans can learn how their minuscule actions can lead to such devastating effects on individuals. 13 Reasons Why has brought about awareness of mental illness and potential signs of suicidal thoughts, especially to younger generations, where many are afraid to speak up about how they feel.

Nivetha claimed that “for the sake of humanity as a whole, we are encouraged to stand up for what’s right and make the world a better place.” giphy-5.gifThis powerful statement indicates that by addressing these difficult topics, popular culture can take responsibility in helping to change mindsets and remove stigma around diversity and silenced or difficult topics. In taking a step back, what do we love? We love Arts-really-do-heal-divisions-and-bring-people-together-850x500each other, a world with 7.6 billion people who all have diverse passions, yet all share the common passion of human connection,  New and emerging technologies and forms of popular culture have provided a source to learn, educate, support and stimulate change in society. Societal change is key to the evolution of giphy-6happiness and equality, a way to bring people together to make a more peaceful world. By taking hard topics and helping people stand up for what is right, the world can become a better place. People can take pride in their unique identities but also speak up about their flaws and difficult experiences. By giving everyone a voice, the world is one step closer to being the best it can be.


The Black Sheep Project

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Portraits tell stories to bring awareness to the world through honesty and inspiration. This project’s mission statement conveys this as it states: “The Black Sheep Project is a community for everyone affected by Borderline Disorder, working to dramatically increase awareness, erase stigmas and connect each other with effective clinical practices, research and advocates. Together, we’ve got this.” 

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Working through social media, including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Vimeo, as well as using their website, this project can help people understand, diagnose, and learn how others cope with Borderline Disorder (BD). This disorder impacts millions of lives around the world and by raising awareness and understanding, people can come together to support one another and overcome this Screen Shot 2018-02-23 at 9.15.49 PMillness. As a psychiatric disease, BD does not have an easy definition as it originates due to the interruption of brain pathways that regulate impulse and emotion control. This leads to a wide variety of symptoms such as “…a pattern of instability in intercostal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity.”


By raising awareness through platforms like social media and intertwining modes of popular culture with an issue affecting millions, change can be made. The Chief Medical Consultant Robert Friedel of the Black Sheep Project claims that by understanding the scope of the disease, people can learn to understand how it  may affect ones life. In this video, “What Progress Looks like for those with Borderline Personality Disorder” (click hyperlink to view video), Dr. vapx6A9-e1443805996916-649x276-2Yeomans explains in a raw way on what BD looks like and how it may feel. By giving strategies of Transference Focused Therapy, peers and loved ones are given techniques to help people affected by BD to be integrated and healed into their true selves.

On the Black Sheep Project’s website, videos with personal accounts

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Link to Video

of peoples journeys are shared. Unique and personal experiences are able to provide hope and encourage bravery and perseverance. As Holly describes in this video, this disorder leads to doubt and confusion on how an unstable personality can affect how one acts and thinks. By highlighting the pros and cons and reflecting on the impact of black and white thinking, she could elaborate on how this impacted her as well as the people around her.

Having joined twitter December 2016, the Black Sheep Project has had to opportunity to reach a more expansive amount of people and spread their message. As seen in this image to the right, they can Screen Shot 2018-02-23 at 9.47.54 PMexemplify that anyone can be afflicted by Borderline Disorder. By showing that a famous SNL star has been diagnosed with BD, people can feel less alone and know that they aren’t the only ones trapped within the suffering of this disease.   Additionally, twitter has created a platform to help erase the stigma and labels that have been associated with BD. By starting this conversation, people all over are able to become aware of what this disease is and how to understand it without making judgments. As this disease is associated with an unstable personality, the hurtful nature of stigma and labels can be extremely impactful and further increase suffering in diagnosed individuals.Screen Shot 2018-02-23 at 9.47.16 PM

Instagram feed(@black_sheep_p):


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Portraits tell the stories of individuals and their journeys with Borderline Disorder. The use of imagery and black and white photos, the Instagram feed is able to capture the essence of BD and how it causes people to think in a separated, black and white type of way. Ranging from the negative to positive aspects, stories of suffering to support, as well as inspiration and motivation, individuals are able to share their unique experience with this disease. Ryan Holdeman shared his life motto, “Just own it”  as he Screen Shot 2018-02-23 at 10.08.02 PMdescribed that by owning his disease and the world around him, you can “reset’ what fitting in means to make the world and your journey the better place. By starting his story from a young age, this can relate to so many people who are lost and not understanding their emotions and disease. Individual accounts like this can be all that a person needs to get the support and help to improve their quality of life. As seen in the slide show above, Instagram also provides a method to show that this disease can affect all different types of people. With different ages, genders, and races, they are inclusive to all.

For the people we love and through medias of culture that we love, such as Twitter and Instagram, people can learn, understand, share, and get support for Borderline Disorder. As the Black Sheep Project’s mission statement includes the words, “Together, we’ve got this” it shows that by providing sources and projects such as these, people who once may have felt alone and lost can find the support they were looking for.


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The #MeToo Movement

MetooIn October of 2017, a viral movement began on social media using the hashtag and “Me Too” to bring to light sexual assault and harassment. This movement followed the accusations against Harvey Weinstein for sexual assault and misconduct.  This movement combined with aspects of social media provided a platform that finally allowed for women to feel as if they can speak up about a topic that is usually silenced. Factors such as traumatization, fear, PTSD, or lack of resources to stand up for oneself has contributed to the silence of this issue in the past. Social media allows for a more approachable way to admit to one’s own experiences, a more accessible platform to communicate issues and support one another.

As seen through Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and many other social media sources, this movement is “showing the metoo-twittermomentmagnitude of sexual assault” as women are coming out and speaking about their experiences. Even though this movement was popularized in 2017 in the response to accusations against Weinstein, this phrase was identified as a powerful way to help women in 2006. Behind this simple phrase, a single woman named Tarana Burke, inspired this internet phenomenon that became so much more.

In a Washington Post article by Abby Ohlheiser, a powerful response by Burke was quoted, “‘It made my heart swell to see women using this idea — one that we call ‘empowerment through empathy’, she tweeted, ‘to not only show the world how widespread and pervasive sexual violence is, but also to let other survivors know they are not alone. .'” Beyond showing that women are not alone, it proves that this topic is “unavoidable,” according to Ohlheiser, as the magnitude of sexual assault and misconduct is tragically immense.


So how did we go from silence to such an impactful and large scale movement? In aiding Burke’s cause and the utilization of the social media platforms, celebrities have joined this movement to gain a larger audience and additionally show that assault can happen to anyone. From an average citizen’s view, many find celebrities to be untouchable from conflict and heartbreak, where in reality this is not true. Time magazine captured “The Silence Breakers,” the celebrities that have been living in this silence that utilized #MeToo in order to come out and speak up for themselves and inspire others to do so. Ashley Judd, a famous actress, spoke up about when she was harassed by Weinstein at 29 by utilizing this movement to “formalize the whisper network.” This phrase is a crucial and descriptive way to understand how many treated the idea of sexual assault in the past. Before, it was a topic that was not spoken of loudly, just whispered to loved ones and silenced to others.

Throughout history, women have struggled to be considered to be of equal status to men. 171017-griggs-malia-me-too-hero-1_ij86fm-2From Susan B. Anthony, Gloria Steinem, and Sojourner Truth to Malala Yousafzai, Coco Chanel and modern celebrities, woman have fought to gain rights and justice.
With the emergence of social media and technology into the modern world, more people have access to spreading their ideas and thoughts in order to take  part in the feminist and anti-sexual assault movement. The use of #MeToo is furthering feminism and allowing women to stand up for themselves. Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 8.37.28 PMLana Del Rey is a prime example as she spoke on how this movement has helped given access to “have your own voice as a woman” and how that is something that cannot be taken for granted.
The #MeToo movement has brought women together, and even men, to support one another in hard times and bring strength to society. This strength and support stimulates loving each other and changing the world one step at a time. This has inspired many to make the world a better place through finally finding a way to end a silenced topic that was once only whispered about. Freedom of speech and thought has been stimulated and supported through movements such as these, allowing people that did not have access to create a voice for themselves before to now speak out for themselves and society. Community and sheer numbers has been the ultimate force for change in society throughout history, and finally the world is seeing more change through loving oneself and everyone around them.


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Connecting the World

4,417 posts, 7.6 million followers, and 8 years later, an initial photography project has turned into a creation that has shared stories and connect people from all over the world. In 2010, Brandon Stanton began a photography project in New York, aiming to take 10,000 images and catalogue the stories of citizens on the streets of the city. Stanton exclaimed that “Somewhere along the way, I began to interview my subjects in addition to photographing them. And alongside their portraits, I’d include quotes and short stories from their lives.” Not only has this been published through instagram, but it has spread across social media and became a best selling book. With over 20 million views, people have shared their stories and have been able to connect with people around the world.

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Link to video about Brandon Stanton’s Journey with Humans of New York:

This connection between the under-heard and under-seen people and the audience around the world, controversial topics and their impact can be brought to life and Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at 4.41.49 PMinto discussions.  This young lady, immigrated from the Bahamas to the United States. With successful parents in her home country, her family was unable to find work in their new home, causing them to move to four different states. Realizing that the American Dream may be unattainble, she worked and pushed to reach her goals. Later told that going to college would be impossible, she received the scholarship and attended Queens college. Her story ended by her families fear of Trump revoking DACA, but still with a positive attitude, telling her family that they will survive.

Although this is just one person’s story, it shows the impact of the employment crisis as well as the first hand impact of what the revocation of DACA may include. One picture, one quote, can start a conversation which can have a ripple effect through out the world. Pop culture has provided an outlet for many generations to connect not only socially, but also politically. Many of the tools that transmit the necessary information about what is going on the world has become outdated in the eyes of younger generations and social media within the popular culture has stepped in to fill this gap. Not only has social media filled this gap on informing the world on the state of current politics, but it also makes the concept of politics more accessible to personal connections.

This platform helps communicate messages that are not easily transmitted as they may be problematic and difficult to talk about. As seen in this video, police brutality and the racial divide that has been a rising issue in modern times directly effects individuals lives. Hearing from a victim provides a new and enlightening perspective than the dry new reports on the television or in the newspaper. Humans of NY Interview. In this link, a father tells  a story of how he was impacted by both his race and how the police force treats him based on the color of his skin. Telling personal stories can help bring people together to connect over mutual experiences or find ways to overcome societal challenges.

Personal connections is the key concept that one can access from Humans of NY. In a series of three photographs, a couple’s progression of love over time was captured through images and words.

Love, such a powerful word, can be shared between two people together, separated, or even around the world. From meeting at 16, to his wife aging into severe dementia, love kept them together. Through the hard times, she changed and dementia caused her to lose part of herself,  but he said that he would “never tell her to be quiet, because it’s better than nothing at all.” Undeniable love is what bring people together, what brings peace and joy to the world. By telling stories, people can be touched and learn how to appreciate their own, learn from example, or try to find this same for themselves.

To answer the question, “How can what you love make the world a better place?,” blogs like Humans of NY can transmit a range of political awareness, social movements, or the concept of love to their followers around the world. One photograph and one story can begin a change, a movement to either eliminate the bad that was exemplified by a person or one inspiring people to come together to love and create happiness. Social media has allowed one photograph, one quote, or even a concept to impact lives and create a world more aware of the impacts of a variety of aspects on people’s lives.

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